

A Note of Thanks

Sometimes, I can’t believe I’m still working “on my own” as a self-employed person. That I’m STILL growing and changing and pivoting my business.

The Voigtländer

I’m feeling inspired to share a new story about an old camera…

I mean—of course, it’s about a camera. I have a surprising number of camera stories, but this particular camera story is special.

Sedona: Light and Land

Patrons (like you!) make it possible for self-employed artists and creators, like me, to pursue passion projects—like this—that we may not, always, otherwise be able to fully embrace or explore...

Finding Energy to Create

I’ve been contemplating the idea of energy (and the lack of energy).

Choosing Something New

Last week I chose a certain word to describe an experience in my email Museletter.

Why I Create

At the heart of what I do is a sincere appreciation for the creative process.

When You’re Starting From Zero

I wanted to brain/heart-storm a few ideas for you to keep in mind when you first start posting & sharing your new idea

What is a Personal Brand?

You’ve seen them, right?

A lot of people are talking about it. And more people than ever are doing it.