Choosing Something New

Last week I chose a certain word to describe an experience in my email Museletter.

Last week I chose a certain word to describe an experience in my email Museletter. And my choice of that word has been nagging me ever since…

I think it’s (mostly) because that word wasn’t exactly the best or most accurate word to describe my experience. It has negative connotations, for sure…

I’m guessing you want to know what the word was?


But FIRST, here are a few alternate words that, I keep telling myself, might have been more accurate choices… Words like ACTION. Or even a phrase like focused energy & attention might’ve been better.

When I used the word that I used, I was thinking about the fact that I had to make a choice to take a new action. And then, I had to follow through on that choice.

However, taking a new action that is different from my norm is not (necessarily) difficult.

I’ve had to focus my attention and energy into a singular point of (new) action. But the new action hasn’t necessarily been challenging or a CHORE.

Sometimes, it does feel like an E-F-F-O-R-T to do something new.

That’s the word I used in my letter last week—EFFORT.

And that word, sometimes feels like maybe the new action or habit or routine will be hard.

One of the definitions of effort is, “a strenuous physical or mental exertion.”

Ugh. Strenuous? Like, with blood, sweat, and tears? That’s a big NOPE for me. Thank you, though.

Effort is also defined as, “a vigorous or determined attempt”. OR simply, “the result of an attempt”.

Hmm. That’s getting warmer. Sorta.

At least, it feels somewhat closer to what I meant.

The EFFORT that I wrote about in my Museletter was really all about taking new ACTION.

Here’s what I wrote…

“I added this tiny thing I keep hearing about, called consistent effort…? [It] REALLY seems to make things happen. Weird.”

I wasn’t thinking that this new project, of writing and publishing to this blog, is stressful or strenuous. But I DO have to focus on its undertaking and take new/different steps.

I DO have to DO something new.

I have to consistently focus my attention and energy on the new action, but it’s not been a slog of a job.

So, instead, I could’ve chosen to write it like this:

“I added this tiny thing I keep hearing about, called consistent ACTION…”

Or, this:

“I added this tiny thing I keep hearing about called focused attention & energy…”

The EFFORT that I wrote about was really about my decision to do something new, and then, actually doing it.

THAT is the magic ingredient.

THAT is the thing that makes new things happen.

It’s all about the choice to do something new.

It doesn’t have to be a challenge, and for me, it’s not, when the timing is right.

Correct timing can make all the difference between an “effort“ that feels hard or strenuous to do and an “effort“ that feels easy and flowing, like it was meant to be.

Aaron Embrey
Aaron Embrey
Articles: 9

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