I must (humbly) ask for help…

Of course, asking for help isn’t always an easy thing to do—even under “normal” circumstances...

Of course, asking for help isn’t always an easy thing to do—even under “normal” circumstances…

Most of you know, I quit my last corporate creative job at the end of 2016. And since then, I’ve focused 100% of my professional time on freelancing and creating Bent Barn Studio.

It’s hard to believe this is my FOURTH (!!!) year in business! **SENIOR YEAR BABY!!**

I’ve definitely learned a lot (and I’m still learning).

And I have numerous people to thank for that.

BBS would NOT still be going or growing (or here at all) if not for my amazing tribe. Family, friends, and clients—who are ALSO my friends & fam’.

They’ve helped, connected, and taught me in such small, vital, and impactful ways over these past few years.

In fact, I made a personal project a while back to celebrate some of them (here)!

There are also grand plans for a second chapter (albeit, in a new format). I’d love for you to check out their work if you haven’t already.

AND Now…

I thought it might be a good time to share again the specific services I offer. For businesses and individual people.

Or *literally* list what I do these days—just so you’ll know, you know? 🙂

Please keep me in mind?

Especially if you or someone you know are ever in need of creative services or coaching.

I’d sincerely appreciate any referrals or creative collabs to which I might add value.

While I can certainly help finish creative projects, I’m built to start new things.

If I had to label & list my known creative superpowers—before also listing my specific skills (because THIS is what we’re doing right now 😉 —THAT list might look something like this…

Aaron’s Creative Superpowers:

  • Creative Support & Empowerment

  • Patience & Commitment to Collaboration

  • Unique Perspective & Catalytic/Creative Impact

  • Bursts of Creative Energy and Willpower for surmounting fear

  • InDesign and Photoshop, bruh

And, ALSO…

Here’s the rundown on the specific sorts of things I do/create…

I still work with corporations & medium-sized businesses (FYI).

People with titles like HR director, marketing director, or creative director will often hire me. These are often people I know or have worked with before. And I’ll usually support their agency or in-house teams with a big, one-time (or ongoing) creative project(s).

Or, at least, they used toThat was the way it happened, before…

Right now, I don’t know if I’ll see any more of that sort of work for awhile.

Besides photography, it’s the income source that’s slowed down the most for me over the last month, for sure.

BUT in case you hear of anything—I can offer any creative service. From basic print production to custom graphic design, typography, and art direction.

AND of course, also, photography

But there’s ALSO not much of that happening right now, either.

the creative work I’ve enjoyed most is helping real people build their small businesses.

I especially love empowering people to build and launch personal brands.

I help them create, manage, and market their brand/identity.

Together, we build websites. And create social media platforms for delivering their unique gifts to the world.

Here are the types of creative projects I collaborate on with individuals:

  • visual identities (logo & website designs)

  • print design (business cards, brochures, banners & signage, product labels, etc.)

  • blog/newsletter support & content writing

  • vlog editing/publishing & video course sales (for YouTube or Vimeo Videos On-Demand)

  • ebook/cover design & self-publishing support

  • creative coaching (brainstorming or ideation sessions, creative processes/production/marketing strategies, project follow-through)

I guess that about covers it!

Thanks so much for reading (if you’ve made it this far)!

AND thank you for any help/ideas/referrals you might send my way.

Aaron Embrey
Aaron Embrey
Articles: 9

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