I thought I’d share this (short-ish) rundown on two of the biggest projects I’ve had in the works since leaving ye ole corporate world.

Hello, friends! I know, it’s been a while since my last update…

So, I thought I’d write this (short-ish) rundown on two of the biggest projects I’ve had in the works since leaving ye ole corporate world to create something new…

New Town!

Well, I moved! AND I helped my mom uproot her house & home of 23 years.

Our “little” relocation “project” was pretty much my main thing for close to a year.


I’m glad that one’s d-o-n-e.

NOW, we’re both living a new adventure out in Longview, two-ish hours from Dallas, among the pines of East Texas.

Mom’s re-settling and adjusting well 🙂

I’m still adapting, building & searching for community here…

It’s been a great creative retreat, a la Walden.

And a healing balm for my hurried & hyper-corporatized soul.

For now, I’m enjoying the quieter space and slower pace…

AND l still go into Dallas at least once a month for meetings, photoshoots, networking & socializin’ in the big city. 😉


New Work!

After some time spent finding “my why” and figuring out what I wanted this new thing to be and who would I help and how I might I manage while building a new business…

Bent Barn Studio is focused on helping compassionate, creative, women entrepreneurs create visual identities for their personal brands & small businesses.

I also build simple & beautiful, Squarespace websites for them to share their visions & missions or to sell their products & services.

…AND yes, I also still freelance. 🙂

So, I offer general creative services like graphic design & print production, headshots, and event photography.

Most of my freelance clients are small and/or local businesses & online startups.

I also have a new creative webinar, e-course, and workshop in progress….

ALL of this is a work in progress!

And even though it’s been in progress for a few years now, it still feels new (and exciting) 🙂

I’m still learning how to tell this story and share my processes, and I’m excited to try something new… (like, sharing more imperfect things with you).


I have a few other, new things in progress, too—including a serious recommitment to writing…

And to sharing more insights, observations, and perspectives.

Mostly, about things I’ve gathered, gleaned, and gained throughout this creative process of change…

I’ll keep you posted if you’re interested? 🙂

Thanks again for reading along.

More soon!

Clicky the linkybox below if you aren’t already in the know 😉

Aaron Embrey
Aaron Embrey
Articles: 9

One comment

  1. Oh, does this make me smile, Aaron! You are on an epic adventure. How lucky your mom is to be able to walk it with you. Good luck with your fabulous plan to help budding entrepreneurs realize their dreams. You’re a champ!

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