I wanted to share a little story about this portrait of a portrait of a portrait of my dad…
This incredible painting was created by a cousin of mine, Austin Maloney, who I’ve unfortunately never met, but I’m a new fan of his work, for sure!
Apparently, Austin saw the original photo, taken by MY mom, by way of HIS mom.
You get the picture? 😉
Let’s recap!
Once upon a time, my mom took this great picture of my dad in his old cowboy hat out by his old barn…
And then, at some point, cousin-Lindy must’ve seen it, and Liked it, or Commented on it, or some other, sorta Internet magic happened, and her son, cousin-Austin, somehow saw the photo and was inspired to paint THIS great portrait…
THEN, earlier this month, my amazing brother, Randal, surprised the family with the original, and entrusted it to my grateful, tearful Mom for safe keeping.
I’ve always loved the picture my mom took, and I fell in love with Austin’s interpretation, and I was actually inspired to take this photo—an environmental portrait of a portrait with Dad’s old barn as a backdrop…
It’s funny, my first thoughts after learning of this painting and seeing it for myself and then being moved to take this photo, was how much Dad would LOVE it, all—of course, the painting, itself, and I think also, the sheer amount of creativity—from picture to painting and back to photo again—the ol’ cowboy inspired.
You can check out more of Austin’s work on his website or Facebook Artist Page, here: